To ensure our high quality, reliability and hygiene, we are BRC AA-Grade certified. We also use Fairtrade (Max Havelaar), UTZ Certified and EKO ingredients, among others, in the composition of our products.
BRC Certificate
A BRC certification provides assurance on the control of the food production process. A BRC certificate ensures compliance with laws and regulations, product safety and product liability. BRC certification saves costs through prevention, recall actions are reduced to a minimum.
Fairtrade (Max Havelaar)
Max Havelaar is the independent label for Fairtrade. Products with the Max Havelaar label are produced and traded under fair conditions. A common thought is that Max Havelaar is a brand and markets its own products such as coffee. This is not the case. The Max Havelaar Foundation does not produce or sell anything itself. Max Havelaar is a hallmark that enables consumers and companies to help small producers in developing countries gain a better foothold in the supply chain so that they can make a living from their work.
Bio (SKAL)
Currently, Lagosse Chocolade BV no longer has a SKAL certificate because there is no market for us at the moment. However, it is not a problem if you want to purchase products from us under the SKAL banner as we can quickly re-establish the certificate.
Skal’s objective is to promote the correct designation of organically produced products. The aim is to ensure that what is called “organic” actually is. As a visible sign of this, entrepreneurs are allowed to use the organic quality mark on products originating from a controlled organic production process. This label is clearly recognisable to consumers and it can earn producers a premium price in the market.
RA Certified
RA Certified is a hallmark for fair trade. The label is on coffee, tea and chocolate that comes from farmers who care about people and the environment. For example, they use fewer pesticides and guarantee good working conditions for their workers.
RA Certified is an internationally accepted label. All farmers can participate, with a large or small farm. They learn to work with farming techniques that spare people and the environment. Farmers often receive a better price, but it is not guaranteed.
The ‘Eko’ label is quite clear: it means that a product has been grown or bred organically. The rules for Eko are formally set by the government, and is applied throughout Europe
Kosher certification means that food, and the ingredients, used in its preparation have been approved for consumption by Jewish consumers. For more information on Judaism’s food regulations you can visit their website.
Palm oil has grown to become the most consumed vegetable oil worldwide in recent years. Production is expected to grow by at least another 5% a year in the coming years. Such a rapidly growing sector faces many challenges in logistics, production and sustainability. The rapid growth combined with the many sustainability issues prevalent in the sector are putting pressure on the image of palm oil.
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established 10 years ago with the aim of developing standards for sustainable palm oil production, and promoting the production and consumption of sustainable palm oil. The RSPO is a global organisation, which brings together various parties with involvement in the palm oil sector, such as palm oil producers, trading companies, food producers, and NGOs. In 2007, the RSPO adopted its ‘Äòprinciples & criteria’Äô for sustainable palm oil production, and now almost 15% of the global acreage is certified against these principles.